I've become slack over the last few months with my daily Bible reading. I'll read a few verses here or there, gloss over a devotion or two, but I want and need more. In order to incorporate some Bible-reading discipline (and it does take discipline, friends!) back into my life, I feel led to let His Words wash over me by taking in as much of them as I possibly can each day.
Being the type-A that I am, I just had to create a table to read the Bible in 30 Days. Instead of reading book-by-book from Genesis to Revelation, I am using a Chronological Plan. I've always wanted to read my Bible in the order the events occurred, hence the use of this plan.
It's a lot of reading!

The point isn't to stop and study, rather it is to immerse yourself into His Word.
If you want to give it a try, here's a PDF of the table:
Chronological Bible in 30 Days
Chronological Bible in 30 Days
Have you ever read the Bible in its entirety?
PS...While the plan is for 30 days, I refuse to become discontented or upset if I don't get it all finished in that timeline. I have no intention of quitting until I've read the last verse.
For me, it's more about regaining the discipline I once had.
It isn't a race. It isn't about bragging, 'Oh, I read the whole Bible in 30 Days!"
It's about quietly and continuously connecting with God each day.
Happy Reading!