Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Seat of Thought and Desire

So I'm studying Psalm 46 for a Sunday school lesson. It's probably a familiar psalm to you, or at least you've heard the beginning and end verses:

Verse 1
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble

Verse 10
Be still, and know that I AM God

Those are some comforting verses. He's where we can run when trouble surrounds us. He tells us to quiet down & not worry. Don't we know? He's God. He's got this. 

But the verse that jumped out at me ( it when God reveals to me!) is verse five.

God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; 
God shall help her, and that right early

In the midst -- קֶרֶב qereb -- pronounced:  keh'·rev 

For Psalm 46, qereb implies inside of the body, the heart, the mind, as the seat of thought and desire

But wait! There's more! 

Let's look at the etymology (the root word)  קָרַב  qarab -- pronounced:  kä·rav'

qarab means to come near, enter into, draw near, to bring near

SPECIALLY:  God is said to draw near when He aids the afflicted

When trouble comes our way, God is in the midst. If we stop the panic, quiet our hearts, and be still, we will find God. I need only make Him the seat of my thoughts. As I enter into His midst, He draws near to me. 

James 4:8
 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.