Friday, July 8, 2016

It's Time to Build

I wasn't planning on writing a post today, though in the aftermath of tragedy befallen our country again and more lives lost, I needed to take a moment to digest it. FMF's writing prompt is BUILD.


I didn't look at the news last night. I didn't even look at it first thing this morning. And when I did, I was completely deflated...downright heartbroken, and even a little scared. Live were lost. Lives that mattered. They all matter...Black, White, Blue. We cannot keep tearing each other down with careless words, hateful speech, and costly actions.

It is time to build.

Build by measuring our words before we type or speak them.
Build with blocks made out of love.
Build by mortaring those blocks together with peace.
Build by beginning with a good foundation.

He is the foundation.
Without Him, we will continue down this road of brokenness and hate.
Stop with the political rhetoric and knee-jerk reactions.
Cease with the keyboard legalism and quickly passing blame. 
Now is not the time for Likes and ReTweets for snarky comments.

We need...
We need Love.
We need Him. 


Time's Up.

Linking up with Five Minute Friday.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

RELY - A Challenge and Command

Who among you fears the Lord
    and obeys his servant?
If you are walking in darkness,
    without a ray of light,
trust in the Lord
    and rely on your God.

Have you ever read Isaiah 50 in its entirety? If not, I encourage you to read it, so you fully understand what the LORD is telling us in this verse. 

In verse 10, the LORD is speaking directly to His people. He is laying down a challenge:  Fear Him, Obey Him, Trust Him, Rely on Him.

Fear - We've already learned this word, fear, is from a primitive root in Hebrew, יָרֵא yârêʼ, yaw-ray, which means to stand in awe of; fear, reverence, respect, honor. 

Obeyשָׁמַע shâma is the Hebrew word for obey. It means to hear intelligently, or to listen with heed. 

Trust - in this verse, the Hebrew primitive root, בָּטַח bâṭach is used. It means to have confidence, be bold, be secure.

Rely - שָׁעַן shâʻan, is Hebrew for to lean upon, rest upon. Metaphorically, it means to repose confidently.

Not only are these words a challenge, they are a command. The LORD wants us to revere Him above all else. (Fear) When we do that, we will carefully listen to what He says and take heed. (Obey) Those two commands are the catalysts for the next two challenges. It is only then we can be bold in following the path He has set for us. (TRUST) We will be secure in knowing we can lean upon Him (RELY) when life gets tough; and can rest easy because He is with us every step of the way. 

Sounds simple enough, yet we muddle it all up by relying on ourselves or becoming impatient to wait on His timing. That is why He also challenges us to walk in the Light. 

HE is the LIGHT.


The time for darkness is past. Today is a fresh start. Now is here. Take that step toward His Light and illuminate your spirit. You will find what you've been seeking. 

How will you rely on Him today?